Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Editorial boards of journals

    • Eric Marchand and Paolo Robuffo Giordano are Associate Editors of the IEEE Trans. on Robotics.

    • Eric Marchand is a Guest Editor (with Peter Corke and Jana Kosecka) of a Special Issue of the Int. Journal of Robotics Research on Robot Vision.

    • François Chaumette is in the Editorial Board of the Int. Journal of Robotics Research.

  • Technical program committees of conferences

    • François Chaumette: WRV'13, ICRA'13, RSS'13, ICRA'14

    • Eric Marchand: ICRA'13, IROS'13, ISMAR'13 (area chair), RSS'13, ORASIS'13, ICRA'14, RFIA'14 (area chair)

    • Patrick Rives: RFIA'14

    • Paolo Robuffo Giordano: ICRA'13, RSS'13, IJCAI'13, ICRA'14

    • Alexandre Krupa: Orasis'13

    • Marie Babel: ACIVS'13

  • Selection committees

    • Patrick Rives participated to the selection committees of research scientists (CR2) at Inria Nancy-Grand Est, Inria senior researchers (DR2), and Inria Starting and Advanced Research positions. .

    • François Chaumette was in the selection committee for an Assistant Professor position at the “Université Blaise Pascal” in Clermont-Ferrand. He also served in the jury for the selection of research scientists (CR2) at Inria Rhône-Alpes.

    • Eric Marchand was in the selection committee for an Assistant Professor position at INSA Rennes.

    • Alexandre Krupa was in the selection committee for an Assistant Professor position at the “Université de Montpellier 2”.

  • Participation in seminars, invitation

    • Alexandre Krupa was invited by Nassir Navab to give a talk at the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) from the Technische Universität Münchenin in May 2013.

    • François Chaumette was invited to give a seminar at the University of Zagreb during a one-weel visit in July 2013 in the sccope of the FP7 Across Regpot project (see Section ). He also gave a talk at DGA-MI in Bruz during a workshop about visual localization.

    • Paolo Robuffo Giordano was invited to give talks at I3S in Sophia-Antipolis, Inria Grenoble, Isir in Paris, Ensam in Paris in the scope of the “GdR Robotique”, and University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He also presented an invited talk at the IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop on Vision-based Closed-Loop Control and Navigation of Micro Helicopters in GPS-denied Environments [28] .

    • Fabien Spindler was invited to present the ViSP software at the “Journées techologiques Robotex” in Toulouse in June 2013.

  • Animation at the international level

    • François Chaumette served as a panel member of the ERC Consolidator Grants (PE7). He also served in the 2013 IEEE RAS Fellow Nomination Committee.

    • Paolo Robuffo Giordano served as external reviewer for evaluating research proposals of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

    • Paolo Robuffo Giordano co-organized the ICRA'13 workshop “Towards Fully Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems: Hardware, Software and Integratio”, Karlsruhe, Germany and the “Sixth Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy.

  • Animation at the national level

    • François Chaumette and Patrick Rives are members of the scientific council of the “GdR Robotique” and JNRR.

    • Eric Marchand was a member of the AERES evalation panel for U2IS lab at ENSTA Paristech.

    • Patrick Rives is a member of the Inria evaluation committee.

    • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the Inria Cost-GTAI in charge of the evaluation of the ADTs (“Actions de développments technologiques”).

  • Animation at the regional and local levels

    • Eric Marchand is in the board of the “Images et réseaux” competitivity cluster.

    • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the GestChir project at the IRT B-Com in Rennes.

    • Eric Marchand is a member of the scientific council of the “École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Rennes” (ESIR).

    • François Chaumette is the president of the committee in charge of all the temporary recruitments (“Commission Personnel”) at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique and Irisa. He is also a member of the Head team of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

    • Eric Marchand is a member of the committee in charge of all the temporary recruitments (“Commission Personnel”) at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique and Irisa. He is particularly in charge of Irisa Ph.D. students.

    • Marie Babel is a member of the “Comité de centre” of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

    • Fabien Spindler is a member of the “Commission développement durable” of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.

    • Alexandre Krupa is a member of the CUMIR (“Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques”) of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique.